PhraSED-ML: The Paraphrased Human-Readable Adaptation of SED-ML

Version 1.0

Table of Contents


PhraSED-ML is a language and a library that provide a text-based way to read, summarize, and create SED-ML files. A basic phraSED-ML script will look like this:

  mod1 = model "sbml_model.xml"
  sim1 = simulate uniform(0,10,100)
  task1 = run sim1 on mod1
  plot time vs S1
To convert this script to SED-ML, there are a few options. First, you can use the 'phrasedml-convert' program:
>phrasedml-convert.exe phrased.txt
where 'phrased.txt' is the above model. You can also use an API, such as the python bindings:
import phrasedml

phrasedmlStr = '''
  mod1 = model "sbml_model.xml"
  sim1 = simulate uniform(0,10,100)
  task1 = run sim1 on mod1
  plot time vs S1

sedml = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
These python bindings are used in the '
Tellurium' project (also distributed by our lab), which allow you to use phraSED-ML as part of a larger system that can create a model with antimony, describe the experiment with phraSED-ML, and then perform the experiment:
import tellurium as te

antimonyStr = '''
model test()
  J0: -> S1; 0.3
  S1 = 0

phrasedmlStr = '''
  mod1 = model "test"
  sim1 = simulate uniform(0,10,100)
  task1 = run sim1 on mod1
  plot "Example plot" time vs S1

exp = te.experiment(antimonyStr, phrasedmlStr)

The above Python program will produce the output:

In general, the phraSED-ML language follows the SED-ML format, and defines models, simulations, tasks (with repeated tasks), and output.

Each has a corresponding SED-ML construct, but many of the internal complications are elided, allowing a much simpler view of a simulation experiment.


SED-ML models are always models that can be found with a URI (typically a relative path name for a file), or as modifications of previously-defined models. In phraSED-ML, they are defined with the syntax:

model_id = model source with changes


A SED-ML simulation is a description of the type of experiment one wishes to perform. It only describes the experiment itself, and not the model on which it is to be performed (that's the job of the task).

sim_id = simulate simulation_type

The three types of experiments are steady state ('steadystate'), uniform time course ('uniform'), and one one-step simulations ('onestep').

KiSAO terms for simulations

In SED-ML, specific simulation types and simulation parameters are set using KiSAO terms ( In phraSED-ML, these terms can be set by keyword (if the term is known) or by number.

To set the KiSAO term of a simulation type, the algorithm keyword is used:

sim_id.algorithm = keyword
sim_id.algorithm = kisao.kisao_value

For example, both of the following lines would set the algorithm type of simulation 'sim1' to the explicit 4th-order Runge-Kutta method, which has a KiSAO ID of kisao:KISAO_0000032:

sim1.algorithm = rk4
sim1.algorithm = kisao.32

The keywords that phraSED-ML understands that can be used to set the algorithm type (and the equivalent KiSAO ID) are:

In addition, one can set various simulation parameters, again using the algorithm keyword:

sim_id.algorithm.keyword = value
sim_id.algorithm.kisao_value = value

For example, both of the following lines would set the absolute tolerance of simulation 'sim1' (which has a KiSAO id of kisao:KISAO_0000211) to 0.04:

sim1.algorithm.absolute_tolerance = 0.04
sim1.algorithm.211 = 0.04

The keywords that phraSED-ML understands that can be used to set algorithm parameters (and the equivalent KiSAO IDs) are:

Do note that little to no error-checking is performed by phraSED-ML for these terms: impossible values or setting an algorithm parameter for an algorithm to which it does not apply will not be caught by phraSED-ML.


A basic task links a model to a simulation, and means 'run this simulation on that model':

task_id = run simulation_id on model_id
task1 = run sim1 on model1

Repeated Tasks

A repeated task allows multiple simulations to be performed, one after the other. Essentially, this is done by specifying loops.

repeatedtask_id = repeat task_id for target_id in repeat_type
In addition, several variations on this can be used, such as repeating multiple tasks at once:
repeatedtask_id = repeat [task_id1, task_id2, ...] for target_id in repeat_type
or declaring that other elements change at the same time:
repeatedtask_id = repeat task_id for target_id in repeat_type, target_id = repeat_type, ...
repeatedtask_id = repeat task_id for target_id in repeat_type, target_id = formula, ...
or declaring that the model should be reset between repeats (particularly useful for stochastic tasks):
repeatedtask_id = repeat task_id for target_id in repeat_type, reset = true, ...

These variations may all be used in concert with one another, and may be mixed and matched at will. The main loop can either be a model or a local variable, and used in other assignment formulas. If there are multiple models in the tasks being repeated, they can be distinguished by using the dot notation for ID's, 'model_id.variable_id':
repeat1 = repeat task1 for S1 in [1, 3, 5], S2 in uniform(0, 10, 3)
repeat2 = repeat [task1, task2] for X in uniform(0, 10, 100), mod1.S1 = X, mod2.S1 = X+3
repeat3 = repeat task1 for S2 in logUniform(0, 10, 3), reset=true


Plotting will start with plot notation followed by a x variable vs y variables (vs z variables). Each variable will be preceded by the task it is running on, separated with a dot, unless there is only one task/model, in which case the simple variable may be used instead. For simulations with multiple tasks with multiple models, using the notation 'task_id.model_id.variable_id' may be necessary. Functions involving defined elements/attributes for x and y variables are supported..

plot [task.x formula] vs [task.y1 formula], [task.y2 formula], ...

3D plots are also possible:

plot [task.x formula] vs [task.y1 formula] vs [task.z1 formula], ...


plot task1.time vs task1.S1, task1.S2
plot task2.time vs task2.S1/task2.compartment1, task2.S2/task2.compartment1
plot S1/S2 vs S3/S4
plot task1.time vs task1.S1, task2.time vs task2.S1
plot task1.time vs task1.S1 vs task2.S1
If all you need is data output, use 'report' instead of plot. Just use commas to delineate what to output:
report task1.time, task1.S1, task1.S2
report task2.time, task2.S1/task2.compartment1, task2.S2/task2.compartment1
report S1/S2, S3/S4
report task1.time, task1.S1, task2.time, task2.S1
report task1.time, task1.S1, task2.S1

API and Python bindings

The API for libphrasedml is relatively simple, and consists of only a dozen functions (eleven for the Python bindings):

convertString(string input)
convertFile(string filename)
These are the main functions in the API. Each takes phraSED-ML or SED-ML input, and outputs SED-ML or phraSED-ML, respectively. If an error occurs, a blank string is returned.

When something goes wrong, these functions can be queried to help diagnose what happened.

setWorkingDirectory(string directory)
setReferencedSBML(string URI, string sbmlstring)
Both phraSED-ML and SED-ML accept relative file names for referenced models. By default, models will be searched for in the working directory of the program. By using this function, you can set a new working directory in which your models are stored. In some cases, the SBML file may not be retrievable through normal means, but a copy of the file will exist in memory. In those cases, 'setReferencedSBML' can be used to map a URI to a copy of the SBML document itself, and 'clearReferencedSBML' can be used to remove that information again.

These are mostly testing functions for round-tripping phraSED-ML or SED-ML. If you use the 'convert' functions, above, these functions will give you the SED-ML or phraSED-ML versions of the input.

In some contexts (like when using Antimony and phraSED-ML in concert in Tellurium) a user may wish to declare a model just by its name, not its filename. When constructing the actual SED-ML, however, actual files must be constructed and pointed to. Using this function adds ".xml" to any filename that does not already have ".xml" or ".sbml" in it. The new name is not checked; it is assumed that the files will be created and pointed to appropriately.

This function will free all the strings (char*'s) that the API has handed out at once. This can only safely be called if the user has not freed any of them by hand. It is not available in the Python API, which handles all memory management separately.


Comparisons: The Le Loup model, modified

phrasedmlStr = '''
  model1 = model "BIOMD0000000021.xml"
  model2 = model model1 with V_mT = 0.28, V_dT = 4.8
  simulation1 = simulate uniform(0, 380, 1000)
  task1 = run simulation1 on model1
  task2 = run simulation1 on model2
  plot task1.time vs task1.Mt, task2.Mt
  plot task1.Cn vs task1.Mt, task2.Cn vs task2.Mt

Here, the Le Loup model (Biomodels model 21) is read in as 'model1', and a copy is made with new initial values for the parameters V_mT and V_dT. The same simulation is run on both, and results for each compared with the other in a series of plots.


phrasedmlStr = '''
  model1 = model "oscli.xml"
  stepper = simulate onestep(0.1)
  task0 = run stepper on model1
  task1 = repeat task0 for local.x in uniform(0, 10, 100), J0_v0 = piecewise(8, x<4, 0.1, 4<=x<6, 8)
  plot task1.time vs task1.S1, task1.S2, task1.J0_v0

This experiment shows how one might vary a parameter during the course of a run: each time the simulation takes a single time step, a local variable 'x' is incremented. In the meantime, the model variable J0_v0 is set to 8 while x is less than 4, then is reset to 0.1 while x is between 4 and 6, and finally is reset to 8 again after that (until x reaches 10, and the repeated task ends). There is no 'with reset' for this simulation, so this is effectively a single timecourse.

Repeated stochastic simulation

phrasedmlStr = '''
  model1 = model "borisejb.xml"
  timecourse1 = simulate uniform_stochastic(0, 4000, 1000)
  timecourse1.algorithm.seed = 1003
  task0 = run timecourse1 on model1
  task1 = repeat task0 for local.x in uniform(0, 10, 10), reset=true
  plot task1.time vs task1.MAPK, task1.MAPK_P, task1.MAPK_PP, task1.MKK, task1.MKK_P, task1.MKKK, task1.MKKK_P

This experiment repeats a stochastic simulation 10 times, and plots the results. Because 'with reset' is used, these are repeated timecourse simulations with identical starting conditions, but stochastic runs. The seed for the stochastic simulation is set for the first run, so that the exact same run could be produced again on the same computer in the same situation. However, the seed would not be reset for each run of the algorithm; this would not produce useful results.

1D time course parameter scan

phrasedmlStr = '''
  model1 = model ""
  timecourse1 = simulate uniform(0, 20, 1000)
  task0 = run timecourse1 on model1
  task1 = repeat task0 for J0_v0 in [8, 4, 0.4], reset=true
  plot task1.time vs task1.S1, task1.S2

In the above experiment, the model variable 'J0_v0' is set to 8, then 4, and then 0.4, for the three times the timecourse is repeated. All three sets of results are then plotted.

2D steady state parameter scan

phrasedmlStr = '''
  model_3 = model "borisejb.xml"
  sim_repeat = simulate steadystate
  task_1 = run sim_repeat on model_3
  repeatedtask_1 = repeat task_1 for J1_KK2 in [1, 5, 10, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
  repeatedtask_2 = repeat repeatedtask_1 for J4_KK5 in uniform(1, 40, 100)
  plot repeatedtask_2.J4_KK5 vs repeatedtask_2.MKK, repeatedtask_2.MKK_P

In this experiment, model variable J1_KK2 is set to 9 different values for each of 100 values of J4_KK5, evenly spaced between 1 and 40.